Posts archive for Jul 2023

What kind of snacks people in India like to eat?

What kind of snacks people in India like to eat?

Hey folks, let's embark on a culinary adventure through the bustling streets of India, where snacks aren't just food, they're a way of life! From the spicy samosas that kick your taste buds into high gear, to the sweet jalebis that would make even the grumpiest old man smile, Indians sure know how to snack. Let's not forget the ubiquitous street food, chaat, a tangy, crunchy riot on your palate, there is no way you can resist it. And who could ignore the pani puris, those little globes of happiness filled with tamarind water that burst in your mouth, making you feel like a fireworks display! So, if you're ever in India, make sure your snack game is strong because you're in for one heck of a flavor roller coaster!

Was Amit Shah the best choice as the Home Minister?

Was Amit Shah the best choice as the Home Minister?

Alright, folks, get ready to dive into the intriguing world of politics with a dollop of humor. So, the big question on our minds today- Was Amit Shah the right choice for the Home Minister? Well, as unpredictable as a game of Snakes and Ladders, let me tell you, Shah's journey has been peppered with controversies and triumphs alike. On one hand, he's been the master strategist behind BJP's sweeping victories, while on the other, his hardline stances have raised some eyebrows. So, whether he's the best choice or not, it's like asking if pineapple belongs on pizza - it entirely depends on who you ask!

What are some things that Indian students hate the most?

What are some things that Indian students hate the most?

In my latest blog post, I dive into the things that Indian students dislike the most. Many of them are frustrated by the immense pressure to excel academically, often from parents and teachers. The rote learning method, which doesn't encourage critical thinking, is another common grievance. Additionally, the lack of career guidance and the perception of certain subjects like Arts being less valuable are also significant pain points. Lastly, the inadequate infrastructure and resources in many schools also add to their list of dislikes.

Why is Supreme Court allowed to change its own ruling in India?

Why is Supreme Court allowed to change its own ruling in India?

The Supreme Court in India has the power to change its own rulings, a concept known as judicial review. This is essential because it allows the court to correct itself and respond to changing societal norms over time. The court's ability to overturn its previous rulings ensures fairness and justice, acknowledging that previous decisions may have been flawed or have become outdated. This power also protects the rights of citizens and guards against potential abuses of power. In essence, the Supreme Court's ability to change its own rulings is a dynamic feature of India's legal system, ensuring its relevance and responsiveness to the evolving society.

What is it like for an Indian to live in New York City?

What is it like for an Indian to live in New York City?

Living in New York City as an Indian is an exhilarating blend of diverse cultures, fast-paced life, and a constant hustle. It's fascinating to see the Indian culture preserved through food, festivals, and even Bollywood screenings in the city. However, the struggle to balance between Indian traditions and the American way of life is real. The high cost of living and an ultra-competitive environment can be challenging. Yet, the opportunities and experiences NYC offers make it a unique and rewarding experience.